Image: Painting of splitting of the Red Sea, © Lidia Kozenitzky, via Wikimedia Commons

TORAH: Exodus 13:17-17:16
HAFTARAH: Judges 4:4-5:31
GOSPEL: Matt 14:22-33

Portion Outline:

The sixteenth reading from the Torah is named Beshalach, which means “When he sent.” The title comes from the first verse of the reading, which can be literally translated to say, “And it happened when Pharaoh sent out the people.” The reading tells the adventures of the Israelites as they leave Egypt, cross the Red Sea, receive miraculous provision in the wilderness and face their first battle.


Exodus 13:17 | The Pillars of Cloud and Fire
Exodus 14:1 | Crossing the Red Sea
Exodus 14:26 | The Pursuers Drowned
Exodus 15:1 | The Song of Moses
Exodus 15:20 | The Song of Miriam
Exodus 15:22 | Bitter Water Made Sweet
Exodus 16:1 | Bread from Heaven
Exodus 17:1 | Water from the Rock
Exodus 17:8 | Amalek Attacks Israel and Is Defeated


Jdg 4:1 | Deborah and Barak
Jdg 5:1 | The Song of Deborah

Portion Commentary:

Nachshon’s Leap

The rabbis teach that Nahshon earned merit for the entire tribe of Judah when he leapt into the sea, earning his tribe the right to the kingdom of the house of David.

The Israelites understood that they were to escape through the midst of the sea, but the sea had not yet split. Jewish legend says that Moses bade the Israelites step into the sea, but they were unwilling to do so until Nahshon sprang forward and plunged into the water. He struggled under the waves and nearly drowned. As the water washed over him, the LORD instructed Moses to lift his staff and stretch out his hand so that the water might split. Nahshon then led the Israelites to safety on the other side.

The legend of Nahshon’s leap of faith hints toward Messiah. The rabbis teach that Nahshon earned merit for the entire tribe of Judah when he leapt into the sea, earning his tribe the right to the kingdom of the house of David: “Nahshon jumped into the midst of the waves of the sea, followed by his tribe. Therefore the tribe of Judah merited the kingdom.” (Mechilta).

Read complete commentary at First Fruits of Zion.

Other Torah Portion Commentaries:

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Beth Jacob’s Shabbat Weekly: Torah Commentary Torah Portion & Commentary