TORAH: Exodus 21:1-24:18
HAFTARAH: Jeremiah 34:8-22, 33:25-26
GOSPEL: Matthew 26:20-30

Portion Outline:

The eighteenth reading from the Torah is named Mishpatim, which means “judgments.” The title comes from the first words of the first verse of the reading, which could be literally translated to say, “And these are the judgments which you will place before them” (Exodus 21:1). The first three chapters of this Torah portion deliver a legal code of laws and commandments that form a nucleus for the Torah’s laws. The last chapter tells the story of how the people of Israel consented to keep these laws and entered into a covenant relationship with God through a series of rituals conducted by Moses.


Exodus 21:1 | The Law concerning Slaves
Exodus 21:12 | The Law concerning Violence
Exodus 21:28 | Laws concerning Property
Exodus 22:1 | Laws of Restitution
Exodus 22:16 | Social and Religious Laws
Exodus 23:1 | Justice for All
Exodus 23:10 | Sabbatical Year and Sabbath
Exodus 23:14 | The Annual Festivals
Exodus 23:20 | The Conquest of Canaan Promised
Exodus 24:1 | The Blood of the Covenant
Exodus 24:9 | On the Mountain with God


Jer 34:8 | Treacherous Treatment of Slaves
Jer 33:14 | The Righteous Branch and the Covenant with David

Portion Commentary:

Torah — God in Human Terms

Even the smallest commandment of the Torah is suffused with godliness.

Modern, Western readers find many of the laws in this Torah portion harsh, primitive, or otherwise distasteful. The laws reflect a different world from our own. When the Torah begins to speak in a matter-of-fact manner about the institution of slavery, about selling one’s daughter, about repaying measure-for-measure, it disconcerts the modern reader. He is tempted to comfort himself with the notion that the unpleasant laws have been done away with by the New Testament and replaced by kinder, gentler, and nobler virtues.

On the contrary, the mouth of God spoke every commandment of Torah. Human society may change, but God does not change. Each mitzvah is holy and eternal. Every commandment distills His essence and communicates a pure revelation of His person. The study of the commandments is the study of God.

As soon as we begin to discard commandments, we have begun editing God and reshaping the Almighty into an image which we deem more appropriate. The Torah contains both law and revelation. It provides a rule of conduct, but at the same time, it expresses God in human terms. If a person realizes that Torah is God’s own self-disclosure to the world, he will appreciate the enormous gravity of declaring that same Torah null or void. Even the smallest commandment of the Torah is suffused with godliness. To declare a commandment irrelevant or obsolete denies the eternal and unchanging nature of God.

The Torah contains laws about murder, abuse, murdering one’s parents, slavery, bestiality, incest, and a host of disagreeable things. How can this be a holy, godly revelation of the Infinite Light? The Apostle Paul explained, “All things become visible when they are exposed by the light” (Ephesians 5:13).

Read complete commentary at First Fruits of Zion.

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