Leadership Team

Calev Goldberg, Rabbi

Rabbi Cal Goldberg was born into a Jewish home in Detroit Michigan. His Father was a Canadian and at a young age his family moved to Edmonton, Alberta where he grew up. After High School, Cal decided to go to NAIT and graduated from Marketing Administration and pursued a career in Hotel Management. However in 1971 he met Jan during an Alberta student summer work project, who also had a Jewish background. It was during the time of the Jesus movement in the early seventies when many Jewish people were coming to faith that sent them on a spiritual journey looking for meaning and purpose in life. They ended up coming to faith in Yeshua in 1973 and married two years later in 1975.
Immediately after coming to faith , Cal felt a call into ministry and it was confirmed when a Jewish missionary came to a church they were attending, met Cal and gave him a prophetic word, “God has called you to work among your own people.” Cal’s Jewish identity was awakened and he began pursuing Jewish ministry. In preparation for ministry, he enrolled in Biblical studies and graduated from Vanguard Bible College, formerly NBC in 1984. In the same year Cal and Jan planted Beit Mashiach, the first messianic congregation in Western Canada.
After eleven years they moved to Calgary to plant a second one, Beth Shechinah where they have been for the past 27 years. Cal has taken over 20 Yeshiva courses and has taught numerous foundation courses and equipping classes, has spoken in numerous Churches, Bible Colleges and the University of Calgary sharing about the Messianic and prophetic roots of our faith. In addition to Cal and Jan’s ministry among Jewish people they have been involved as Co-coordinators for Family Foundations of Canada. Cal and Jan have three grown children Joel, Ellice and Samuel and six grandchildren who they love spending time with.