Weekly Update

March 1, 2025

Shalom everyone! Be sure to look at this week’s announcements:

Shalom everyone

Greetings in the name of Yeshua our Messiah and Lord. Praise God for the wonderful weather we are experiencing. It is hard to believe a week ago we were in a deep freeze of -25 below and this week we are basking in the warmth of the Sun. Spring is in the air!!

It was an emotional week for Israel as Shiri Bibas and her two sons were laid to rest after 15 months. It is quite amazing to witness how the entire nation gathered together to remember this precious family whose lives were cut short through such a vicious act of Hamas terrorists. Over 100,000 Israelis were on the streets mourning and remembering this family. If there is one positive thing that has come out of this war is how much it has united Israel as a nation like never before.

Adonai is using this war to awaken Israel and to demonstrate in many miraculous ways how He is protecting them and watching over his covenant people, the apple of Hiss eye. We continue to pray for the release of all the hostages and that Adonai will have mercy upon the families and comfort them as they wait in anticipation to know the fate of their loved ones.

We are entering into an important season on the Calendar. The Feast of Purim is soon approaching and a month later the Feast of Passover both speak of Israels miraculous deliverance from those who sought to destroy them. We hope you will join us for these special holidays. Tickets are now available for our Passover Seder on Sunday April 13th. We encourage you to join us for this special time of celebration and remembrance.

On March the 9th. 6pm at Beth Shechinah we will be having by Hannah Nesher from Israel teaching a special seminar called Red Flags. How to recognize signs of an abusive personality. This will be a valuable teaching for everyone especially for young people who need to discern how to avoid a relationship with someone who may be abusive, angry, manipulative etc. This seminar will be livestreamed so we encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity.

Check out our weekly update for other exciting events happening and Beth Shechinah, the House of Glory..

“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. May they prosper who bless thee.” Psalm 122

In the name of Yeshua our Messiah and Lord,
Rabbi Cal Goldberg

Here is the full weekly update:


Check out Beth Shechinah’s MARCH Calendar (click to enlarge):


Beth Shechinah has a new ministry called “Give and Take“.

If you have items to give or items you need –

This ministry is based on Proverbs 19:17 –
“One who is kind to the poor lends to Adonai,
and Adonai will reward him for his good deed.“

Also, 2 Corinthians 8:14 –
“At present your abundance can help those in need; so that when you are in need, their abundance can help you – so that there may be equality.”

The need for this ministry first became apparent when many Ukrainian refugees began to attend the congregation.

The ministry will work this way:

Stephanie and Michael Braun will now be heading up our Give and Take Ministry. They have storage space available and also have the ability to deliver items as needed.

If you have good quality items available to donate or if you have a particular need for an item – please contact the Brauns. The email address to contact is:


Please let us know if you need these….

> 2 Ikea Poang armchairs
> small Ikea kids bunk bed
> 32″ TV
> crib (white)
> playpen
> Men’s size L jackets
> Elliptical machine
> Dining table with 4 chairs
> Peg Perego Stroller
> Ikea television bench with glass top (black)
