Shabbat School
Welcome to Beth Shechinah's "Kid's Corner"!
Kid’s Corner Shabbat School cast at Purim Play in Beth Shechinah, 2022
Welcome to Beth Shechinah’s Shabbat School / Shul Kid’s Corner!

Our children our treasures from Adonai. We want each child that walks through our doors to be impacted by Adonai’s love. Each week before they head off to their Shabbat School classes, we spend time praying over and blessing them as they stand under the Tallith at the front of the sanctuary. We recognize that we are only as strong as the next generation and our future will be determined by the children that rise up. With this understanding we strive to create an environment in our Shabbat School classes where children can thrive and grow in their relationship with Yeshua and those around them.
Our teachers are passionate about relaying the truth of Adonai’s Word to our children with a Messianic perspective. Each week children learn through stories, games, crafts and other interactive activities. We celebrate the Jewish Feasts throughout the year with special events and activities as we aim to instill within them an understanding of our roots.
One of the most well know traditions within the Jewish community is the Bar or Bat Mitzvah. The word Bar means ‘son of’, Bat means ‘daughter of’ and ‘Mitzvah’ means ‘Commandment’ . This is considered an important milestone in a young person’s life. Our vision for our children is to see them move from childhood and begin their journey to young adulthood through this rite of passage, so that they can learn to be accountable for their own spiritual walk as they grow in their relationship with Yeshua.
Shabbat School lushly decorated for Shavuot:
And here is the delicious Ruakh HaKodesh flame cupcakes:
Shabbat School children and youth also participate in our Davidic Dance ministry: