Foundation Classes

Equipping for Messianic Life

Foundation classes are intended to equip those in our Congregation who believe they have been called to be part of a Messianic Congregation. We teach an extensive course to help the Believer understand the Messianic Vision and Congregational life of Beth Shechinah.

We examine the Hebraic roots of our faith and cover such topics as:

  • Understanding the foundations of our faith (The Biblical Covenants)
  • God’s purpose for Israel
  • Biblical Customs and Practices
  • Jewish lifestyle and worship practices
  • God’s Appointed Times, including the Shabbat
  • Sharing our faith with our Jewish friends
  • The importance of spiritual gifts, stewardship
  • Congregational life and our leadership structure.

We provide an extensive manual with a glossary of messianic terms to help better understand the Messianic Vision.
Upon completion of the course, we provide a survey to determine one’s spiritual gifts and the opportunities to be involved in Beth Shechinah.

Our goal is to have everyone involved in an area of ministry and service according to 1 Corinthians 12:12-30 and Ephesians 4:11-16.

UPDATE: We will be having a 2024 Fall Foundation Class beginning on November 2nd. 3rd. 6th. 13th. 20th.