
Praise Him in Spirit and in Truth!

Life can fill up quickly: work, appointments, deadlines, errands, family commitments. It is easy to feel overwhelmed by it all. Yet Shabbat is a time of rest, a time to step aside from all the busyness of our lives and be still.

As we come together in worship each Shabbat we can allow ourselves to open our hearts to Adonai, turn our attention to Him and let everything else fade away.

Jewish Music Art by Leon Zernitsky


Worship is vital for our souls. It refreshes us, inspires us and reorients us. As we lift our hearts and voices before Adonai something incredible happens, He meets with us. Psalms 22 says that He inhabits the praises of His people.

What a joy, what a blessing, to be met by the God of all the universe as we turn our hearts to Him in praise!